TEDxChicago: No Limits

How Inequality Kills | David Ansell | TEDxChicago

Watch David's TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVu6c8RGf8Q

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New England Journal of Medicine David Ansell

Structural Racism — A 60-Year-Old Black Woman with Breast Cancer

A woman on Chicago’s primarily black South Side is seen for a breast lump at a community hospital that lacks the resources for high-quality cancer care. A navigator from the Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force reroutes her to a qualified medical center. Read more >

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‘If I lived on the North Side’: Neighborhood may matter more than race in breast cancer survival rates

By Darcel Rockett, Chicago Tribune In 2008, South Shore resident Cheryl King found a lump in her right breast. When she told a health professional at a South Side facility, he dismissed it, saying many African-Americans have lumps in their breasts. In the three months it took to get appointments and tests with other professionals to verify it was cancer, it had grown into a stage 2 tumor. King, 59, is not alone. Racial disparities in breast cancer diagnosis and survival rates may ...

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Modern Healthcare

EDITORIAL: Lessons on healthcare from news of racism, inequality and budget cuts

By Merrill Goozner  | June 2, 2018 In the wake of the news: Roseanne Barr loses show after racist tweet. She should be thankful she didn't lose a decade off her life expectancy. Her penance should include reading The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills by Dr. David Ansell, the senior vice president for community health equity at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. A self-described social epidemiologist, Ansell catalogs how life expectancy in the all-bla...

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Are You Sick? Blame Poverty.

The United States faces some of the worst income inequality in the industrialized world, with the GOP tax bill poised to widen the divide and send more people below the poverty line. Now, there is mounting evidence that those on the losing end of this economic divide face a multitude of negative health impacts caused by poverty-related stress. The link between stress and illness is not new information: The Greek physician and philosopher Galen wrote about the connection in 200 A.D. ...

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Medicine, February 2018 | Best Sellers

March 2017 to date as identified by GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO #3 Best Seller! See the list >

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How segregation leads to health disparities

Standing in her home, Shalonda Cooper points to an old picture of her mom, Windora. “See how she looks here?” Shalonda asks. “She looks healthy! Look at the glow in her face.” She then points to another picture taken about 20 years later, shortly after Windora had been diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. She was in her thirties. “Her eyes look sick,” Shalonda says. “They don’t look as bright as they used to look.” Windora is sitting in a recliner ...

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A Second City: West Side Life Expectancy

On the morning of Christmas Eve, a couple wearing thin jackets and sneakers push a shopping cart through the snow on Kildare Avenue in the heart of West Garfield Park. They stop for a moment, catching their breath, in front of the towering New Mount Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church, before continuing their journey north. Inside the church, the holiday service is well under way. African American women in smart red dresses and pillbox hats and men in dark three-piece suits pack the pews, the ...

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David talks on The Majority Report with Sam Seder

David A. Ansell (@DrDavidAnsell) joins us to discuss his new book “The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills.” In this book, Ansell breaks down how economic inequality reduces the life expectancy of people in poor neighborhoods. It’s not simply that low-income people lack access to healthcare; growing up in an environment of stress and depravation has also been shown to worsen health outcomes. And when people die younger, they have less time to create wealth, creating a feedback effect that ...

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Counter Punch

How Inequality Kills

The Global March of Neoliberalism: The World Inequality Report 2018 Contrary to the assumptions of left-liberal commentators, neoliberalism is not merely a bad policy adopted by “greedy” elites. It is in fact a fundamental systemic rejection of the post-laissez-faire settlement put in place in just about all of the developed capitalist countries after the Second World War. Out with the legacy of the New Deal and the Great Society and forward with what is essentially a resurrection of 1920s ...

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